“I have answered the call. The journey is clear. The task at hand requires the conquer of fear. The enemy moves like a shadow and creeps like the wind. Faceless unknown nor I to him or you to them.”

Our entire world is about to change and I have but one question?

Are YOU ready?

Can you hear it? Or can you too SEE it coming?


Step outside your doors and gaze to the sky. Now take in a deep gasp. Do you smell it? It’s indubitable fragrance feels the very air we breath. Dimensions are so vast the average hue-man lacks the proper level of perception to consciously expelled these mere foreshadows of what is to come…and soon to be. I feel deep in my soul that we are ready. This world is now ready to experience this extraordinary potency formed from the very depths of creation for all souls to feel in affinity. Day by day we as a whole fail to prevail with pure openness truth…simple truth. Instead we as a whole continue to misconceive something so beautiful and natural turning it to something else… a complete opposite.. forcing us too to become a complete opposite of our true selfs. Unsure of the responsibility of truth we regress mortally only reflecting our own lower dimensions of ones soul to a fear inducing dogmatic aggressor.

So I say ” bliss it be the chattel for they do not know their affliction.”

Clearly unable to sense this resonance that will be felt by every essence on this planet nor it’s liberation to follow. This apparatus has pushed us towards a history inaugural if you will. A very much needed cleanse..with a sole purpose to ready a script for future generations to follow. Please do not become imbecile by mere childish acts of domination that already rules and has ruled our world under both hostility and insatiable foresightness for centuries.

What happens in the dark will soon be clear in the light.

The old ways of doing things are quickly breaking down. All around the world people are joining forces to combat this common enemy which unknown to the majority of earth’s population threatens our very existence. A time of shedding of the EGO is upon us. As I write this article all belief systems are currently under full attack. Our lives are to experience the ending of one era and the beginning of a new. Now not everyone will ahead to the tricks of deception. This will not be a easy task the attacks on our minds are written deeply in what we think we know about our so called history, religious texts, our true origin, and our true meaning of existence. Journey with me as I explore the many mysteries of life. Why in a world that’s so advance as we share are we more separate than ever before. How come truth is not always a easy pill to swallow. I will review updated scientific and outdated journalism information that’s principal to our growth. We as a whole must continue to re-educate ourselves and re-teach our youth. The survival of our race depends on it.

Turn up to the Mu-sic, and come vibe which your boy!

A sense of urgency…..
